LoRaProMini - A low power LoRaWAN Node
A LoRaWAN sensor node, based on ATmega328P MCU (Arduino Pro Mini) and RFM95W/SX1276 LoRa Transceiver.
The module can be used:
- Collect various climate values with environmental sensors. See Environmental (Weather/Clima) Sensor
- Tell if the letter carrier has put new letters in your mailbox. See Mailbox Monitor
- Notify if someone rang the doorbell
- Act a wirless button
- and many more…
- Deep sleep MCU and sensors between data transmissions
- Two interrupt inputs could use to wake up the MCU and sensors from deep sleep
- Confirmend und unconfirmend data up messages
- Ultra low power consumption. Under 10μA with all features and sensors
- Power input 3.5-6V:
- Battery (Li-Ion or Li-SOCl2 works fine)
- Battery with solar charger
- Sensor support
- Bosch BME280 (humidity, barometric pressure and ambient temperature)
- Maxim DS18B20(+)/DS18S20(+)/DS1822 1-Wire temperature sensor
LoRaProMini does not take care of the compliance with the duty cycle limitation. Please select only transmission intervals that are within the legal limits (1%/0.1%). Please also note that the interrupt inputs may cause additional transmissions if this function is activated.
PCB Ordering
:point_up: I still have a few PCBs left. If you are interested please contact me. Contact details can be found here: https://github.com/foorschtbar or visit my Tindie store:
Example Applications
Environmental (Weather/Clima) Sensor
Mailbox Monitor
More pics
The Things Stack configuration
- LoRaWAN version
MAC V1.0.3
How to use
- Manufacture the PCB. Here you find the Gerber files
- Assemble the PCB. Here you find the Bill of Materials (BOM)
- Attention: The current version (v3.1) of the PCB has no ISP header! A pre-burned Atmega328P must be installed. I got one from an Arduino Pro Mini Board (3.3V 8 Mhz), because a completely assembled Arduino is cheaper than a single chip
- Flash config firmware (See How to flash)
- Start voltage calibration from menu
- Start configuration builder Configuration Builder
- Measure the voltage with a multimeter
- Insert multimeter voltage and the analog value in the Volts-per-bit (VPB) calculator to get VPB factor.
- If u have a adjustable power supply, try different voltages to find best factor. Warning: The maximum voltage is 6 Volt
- Fill out the other fields like activation methode, session keys and EUIs
- Write configuration to EEPROM using configuration menu
- Check written configuration via configuration menu
- Flash debug or release firmware (See How to flash)
- Finish
How to flash
avrdude-F -v -c arduino -p atmega328p -P <COM PORT> -b 57600 -D -U flash:w:<FIRMWARE FILE>:i
avrdude -F -v -c arduino -p atmega328p -P COM4 -b 57600 -D -U flash:w:firmware_1.0_config.hex:i
Firmware Changelog
Version 2.7
- Fixed a problem of resetting the interrupt trigger too early.
Version 2.6
- Second attempt to solve the unnecessary delay due to the duty cycle limitation. Overflow of timer0 freezes the MCU after around 20 transmissions.
Version 2.5
- Fixed problem with duty cycle limitation
- Fixed MCU deepsleep inaccuracy
Version 2.4
- An external interrupt during a transmission terminates the transmission and starts a new transmission.
- Enabled Link Check Mode
Version 2.3
Version 2.2
- An additional send delay between 0 and 20s has been added to avoid overlaps between different nodes with exactly the same send interval
- Some flash memory optimizations
Version 2.1
- Improved (debug) logging to serial output
- BME sends -127°C (link DS18x) if no sensor was found
Version 2.0
- Added wake up trough interrupt pins
- Added option for disable interrupt pins
- Added option for confirmed uplink
- Changed LoRaWAN data up message
- Added state of interrupt pins
- Combined major and minor version byte into a single byte (4 bits for major and 4 bits for minor)
Version 1.1
- Only for testing CI Pipeline
Version 1.0
PCB Changelog
Version 3.2
- Fixed C7 (Replaced 10uF with 100nF)
Version 3.1
- Added white field to specify the Node ID
Version 3.0
- Removed Arduino Pro Mini Dauther PCB
- Added ATMEGA328P direct to the PCB
- Added pins for unused GPIOs
- Added D2 and D3 with Pulldowns and connector as external interrupts (need FW v2.0 or higher)
Version 2.2
- Added RST pin to connector for programming
Version 2.1
- Added connector for programming
Version 2.0
- Smaller PCB
- Rounded Edges
- Fixed issue with DS18x onboard pin mapping
Version 1.0
function decodeUplink(input) {
var bytes = input.bytes;
var itrTrigger = (bytes[0] & 0x1) !== 0; // Message was triggered from interrupt (bit 0)
var itr0 = (bytes[0] & 0x2) !== 0; // Interrupt 0 (bit 1)
var itr1 = (bytes[0] & 0x4) !== 0; // Interrupt 1 (bit 2)
var bat = (bytes[1] << 8) | bytes[2]; // Battery
var fwversion = (bytes[3] >> 4) + "." + (bytes[3] & 0xf); // Firmware version
var temp1 = (bytes[4] & 0x80 ? 0xffff << 16 : 0) | (bytes[4] << 8) | bytes[5]; // BME Temperature
var humi1 = (bytes[6] << 8) | bytes[7]; // BME Humidity
var press1 = (bytes[8] << 8) | bytes[9]; // BME Pressure
var temp2 =
(bytes[10] & 0x80 ? 0xffff << 16 : 0) | (bytes[10] << 8) | bytes[11]; // DS18x Temperature
var mbStatus = "UNKNOWN";
if (itr0) {
mbStatus = "FULL";
} else if (itr1) {
mbStatus = "EMPTY";
return {
data: {
interrupts: {
itr0: itr0,
itr1: itr1,
itrTrigger: itrTrigger,
extra: {
mbStatus: mbStatus,
mbChanged: itrTrigger,
fwversion: fwversion,
bme: {
temperature: temp1 / 100,
humidity: humi1 / 100,
pressure: press1,
ds18x: {
temperature: temp2 / 100,
battery: bat / 100,
warnings: [],
errors: [],